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The simplicity of faith

Disclaimer: This is all just my opinion on a matter close to my heart.

Often we can feel like if we're not doing it all, we shouldn't be doing anything. In other words, we can feel too unworthy to display acts of faith because we are lacking in certain aspects of it. For example, one might think that because they don't pray 5 times a day, they shouldn't pray at all.

But, it's important to note that this is one of the fundamental tricks of the devil. He will try and deter you from doing good by persuading you that you are not good enough. But the truth is, no one is good enough. None of us ever will be truly perfect or good enough. Because we're human. The very essence of our being is imperfection. So striving for perfection is a futile motivation- because we will never be perfect. But what that does not mean is that we should not try to do our best. We can never truly do enough for our Lord- because what can we give to the One who has given us everything? But what we can do is attempt to fulfil what He asks of us. In Islam, that is the five pillars of Islam- but in different religions that might be something else.

Sometimes, in simplicity we find exactly what we are looking for. Sometimes, simplicity may be all we truly need to do our very best.


At the very crux of faith is trust. If we trust fully the One that we believe in, then all else shall fall simply in to place. When we have faith, we have trust in the Words sent by the One above. In this, we can find all the guidance we need. But sometimes, as well as that we have to trust ourselves too. Because we can take the Words of our Lord- but sometimes we have to formulate our own opinions on what exactly these Words are telling us. We have to trust that He has given us the tools and abilities to take in what it is He is trying to tell us, in ways that are best for us. If we have trust in Him, and trust in ourselves- we cannot fail.

We can often make faith so much more complicated than it needs to be. And when we get lost in the rules and rigidity, we can lose the very essence of faith. It is important to have a balance. Because our faith was not made to be complicated, but as humans in todays context we have made it so. If we align our intention correctly, there is nothing that we cannot tackle. All we need is the correct intention and the simple basics of our faith.


Trust your Lord and trust yourself. In times of adversity, and times of difficulty, step back and take a look at the simplicity of faith.


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