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Top tips on overcoming difficulties.

Facing the trials and tribulations of life.

In life we’re always going to face some kind of difficulty. Every single person has a battle, and every persons battle is different.

Our struggles and our difficulties may come and go. Maybe we’ve just overcome one and all of a sudden pops the next.

We have to remember that this life wasn’t made to be easy- this life was made to be a test. And these battles, the struggles and difficulties are all a part of that.


How to overcome difficulties:

1. Seek contentment not happiness.

Happiness is an emotional state that fleets, it cannot be consistent. Happiness is induced by the situations we find ourselves in, and so if we seek only happiness we will never reach it.

Therefore, through ease and difficulties we should seek contentment. By actively choosing to be content, no matter what our situation is, you’ll find that happiness is a by product of our contentment. And we’re able to develop a more stable sense of peace.

2. Remember that ease comes alongside hardship not after it.

A lot of people have the mindset that as soon as this difficulty or hard time passes, they’ll be okay. But it’s not just after that you’ll be okay but during.

We have to learn that a struggle does not have to be all consuming, we can find ease whilst working through it.

If you just stay waiting for the hardship to pass for your chance to feel better, you’ll be waiting forever. Because hardships, though different, are continuous- find ease within them.

3. Change your focus to the blessings.

A way that we can both seek contentment and find ease during hardships is through gratitude.

What you focus on grows. So if you stay focused on your hardships and difficulties that is all that will occupy your mind. By attempting to instead focus on what you have to be thankful for, you allow your blessings to multiply and will find yourself naturally working through your hardships.

Try keeping a gratitude journal, write down a few things each day that you are grateful for.

4. Acceptance. By accepting and acknowledging your struggle, you are a already a step closer to overcoming it.

By telling your mind, I have this issue and labelling it as what it is you prevent your mind from overthinking. This stops the issue from becoming greater than what it is, and greater than it needs to be.

So to overcome- accept and identify.


Lessons to take away:

  1. Seek contentment to find peace not happiness.

  2. Don’t sit waiting for ease to come after, find it within the chaos.

  3. Grow your blessings by focusing on them.

  4. Accept and identify the problem.


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