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A second lockdown: getting through it.

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Making your way through, again.

With a second lock down beginning, it is important that we try and find some consistency and stability amongst the chaos. If we find ways to keep ourselves grounded and our mental wellbeing in tact we won't feel so overwhelmed by the current uncertainty.

Below are some ideas and tips to survive a second lockdown.


1. Routine- structured but not too rigid:

Try and have a daily routine for the weekdays, whether you're working, studying, going to school- try and have a structure to your day that you stick to. It is important to make sure that this structure is not too rigid, have space to do something different and don't worry if your day strays away from your plan.

Try and include everything important in your daily routine: eating, working, time to relax etc.

2. Stay in contact with people:

Now more then ever it is so important to be connecting with people.Try not to shut yourself off, make time for the people you care about.If you don't live alone then spend time with the people you live with, even if it is your siblings and you don't usually talk. If not, then talk to people on the phone, FaceTime etc.

Just make sure to have some form of social connection.

3. Have something to look forward to:

With the overwhelming feeling of negativity, it is important to have something that you enjoy in life. Whether this be a daily activity, every few days or even once a week- do something that you will look forward to, something that will reward you from working hard or just getting through.

This could be speaking on the phone to your best friend, working out, watching your favourite episode.

4. Put extra care into looking after your mental health.

With being stuck in isolation, it is so important that you put in extra care to look after yourself. You cannot just expect yourself to be okay, you have to make the effort.

Use whatever works for you to care for your mental health and wellbeing. Some ideas are:

  • Practicing meditation, prayer, yoga as time to wind down and reflect.

  • Journalling.

  • Speaking to someone if you're struggling.

  • Breathing techniques to calm down.

5. Exercise and fresh air:

Try your hardest to be doing something- make time to go for walks/ runs, yogas, home workouts.

If you can't then just take time to get up and stretch for a few minutes.


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