It’s been a while since I’ve posted (sorry). But I‘ve made it back finally.
This post is going to be a bit different to usual. I’m typing it on my phone, lying in bed at 11:30pm- because I want the article to reflect the message I want to give.
It’s okay to be enough. It’s okay to do just enough.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up with everything people to the absolute best standard, and in doing so you lose any of the goodness in what you’re actually doing. If you’re a perfectionist like me then this is something you can probably very easily relate to. You get so focused on making sure everything is absolutely perfect and spot on, that by the time it gets round to actually doing the thing you’re planning- you’re just drained of energy.
I don’t really have any solutions to this, because it’s something I am still trying to work out, and have been trying to for my entire 21 years of life. But, I think the first thing to acknowledge is: not everything has to be perfect. Sometimes, good enough is okay.
I think getting comfortable with the idea of imperfection is the key.
At the moment, I force myself to do 6 hours of work every single day, with only 1 hour of a break. Do I get much productive work done? No, not really. Do I feel absolutely drained and close to having a mental breakdown every night? Yes. Literally. So the thought of getting rid of this strict and rigid routine, makes me quiver inside because it‘s where I get my sense of control and comfort. But its not healthy. And so I need to get comfortable with the idea of imperfection.
This is not saying don’t put hard work and effort into what you do. But be selective about how much of your energy your spending. If something is not working the way you want it to one day, accept it. Take a step back and recognise your two options. With a fresh mind, come back to it later. Or accept it the way it is, imperfect. But don’t work yourself to the point of a breakdown. Because with that comes worse that minor imperfections. With that comes zero efficacy, and mental self harm.
So, accept that sometimes things won’t be perfect. Like this article, its a whole lot of random thoughts splurged onto a page. But it’s the best I could do right now.
Do the best you can do right now. Remember its okay to do just enough.