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How to find the right therapist

Writer's picture: ZAINABZAINAB

A simple guide.

The very process of identifying that something is wrong in your life is extremely overwhelming and tiring, and the thought of going to therapy can often be very daunting. However, it can become even harder when you begin searching for where to go for help, there can be so much to consider and so many different factors can come into play. But, if you've found this then don't fret any longer, read on for a simple guide on finding the right therapist for you.

Below I will break down a range of factors that are worth considering and some suggestions of places that can help you start your search.


1. Cost

One factor to consider is how much you are comfortable paying, or if you would prefer to find a free service. There is no right or wrong but often it is the case that there are pro's and cons for each.

Free services:

If you are looking for a free service, evidently the benefits come in the fact that it is of no expense to you. However, often there is also the problem of long waiting times- so it is worth considering if you are able to wait.

Private Services:

Private services are often beneficial in the speed at which you can be offered support, and can often be more specific to exactly what you are looking for. They often also offer reduced charges for a range of different reasons, so that is worth keeping in mind.

Because these are more specific, there can sometimes be lots more to consider when looking for a private therapist. So below I will go into some detail about the different factors worth considering.


2. Preference for the type of person

It can sometimes be the case that the therapist we are looking for, we may want to be similar to ourselves. This is because they may be more able to relate to our experiences or may share similar values to that of our own. However, for some people this may not be a requirement- but it is worth thinking about whether or not it is important to you.

We may be interested in finding:

  • A therapist of a specific religion

  • A therapist of a specific gender

  • A therapist of a specific ethnicity

These are all readily available online, and so, if this is something that is important to you- it is accessible and can be found.

For example, for me, I wanted to find a Muslim therapist because I thought that as we would share similar values, they may be better at helping me work on the specific issues that I bought to the session.


3. Type of approach

There are many different approaches to therapy, with each therapist being specialised in one or two themselves. So, it could be beneficial for you to think about the style of therapy that you think could be most beneficial to you. What exactly are you looking for? I will detail a few examples generally below.

1. Faith based therapy:

Faith based therapy draws upon aspects of religion and integrates into the therapy session.

2. Person Centred Therapy

This approach favours the individual having the power to reach where they need to be, provided the right conditions by the therapist. This means that the therapist helps you explore what you would like to- the session being led more so by you.

3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This is an intervention where you aim to alleviate your problems by working on the way you think and behave- your therapist is able to give you the tools to do so.

4. Psychotherapy

This looks at the way that traumatic events in the past are impacting you and by working with the therapist you can deal with the problems that these are causing you.



These are just a few of the different types of therapy that can be offered to you, there are a great deal of different approaches so don't think that you won't find something that works for you. At the same time, don't also feel as though you have to know exactly what you are looking for. It is just as beneficial to just try out whatever you are being offered, and seeing how it works that way.

For example, I initially had cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and though it was beneficial in the short term, after a while I realised that I might benefit from a different approach. Therefore, I am know doing Person Centred Therapy.

You can always have a look online more into the different approaches, or speak to a therapist who can explain what there approach exactly entails. But, again, it is okay not to know what will work. This is just about exploring, there is no rush.

It's okay not to find the right therapist for you straight away- you might take ages finding someone you really click with, but what's good is that most offer a free initial consultation where you can see if they're the right person for you.


How I went about finding a therapist:

I knew what type of help it was that I was looking for, and so I searched online looking at the people that offered that kind of support. I then selected a few and then composed an email which I sent to them all. I asked what type of support they specifically offer, how much they charge and whether they'd be able to work with the kind of issues I was hoping to work on.

After receiving responses and having some initial consultations I spoke to one particular therapist that I really clicked with. And since then we have started sessions.

Though it seems daunting and overwhelming it is definitely worth persevering. And if you have any questions, I am always here.



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Disclaimer: All information shared is purely based upon my own experiences and knowledge  please do not take this as a substitute for medical or professional care.
©2020 by zen words.

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