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Battling Those Demons

A self-help guide: because you will get through.

A lot of people struggle. Some open up, some keep it to themselves. But you have to understand that, as cliche as it sounds, you are not alone. So many people are struggling, especially with mental health. It's so easy to get dragged down and think that that is just what life is, but it isn't. You don't have to live like this, there is a way out and whatever that is for you- you will find it. You just have to start. Or if you've started, you have to keep going. Just don't give up. Wherever you are in your journey, please do not give up.

It can feel so isolating and you can feel like you'll never get through. And yes, it will stay with you- you won't ever completely get rid of it. But you have to allow yourself to take back control. It's a small part of you, but it is not all of you. You are bigger and stronger, and you have a greater purpose. Don't let your mind tell you otherwise. You can get through and you will. Read this short guide for some advice to get started on tackling your struggle.

Contents of this article:


1. Acceptance and Acknowledgement

One of the first and most important steps in any journey is acknowledging and accepting when there is a problem. This can often be the hardest for so many reasons. You might not want to acknowledge it, you may not understand it, or the people around you in your environment can also affect you.

But, when something is causing you distress it is important to acknowledge it. No matter what it is, it's important to accept where they may be a problem and begin to actively look for ways to deal with it. Otherwise you risk remaining stuck in a endless cycle of distress that you don't have to be in.

Acknowledging and accepting a problem could include noticing certain triggers that make you feel a certain way or even just noticing a constant feeling. Whatever it is, it is important to know that there is no right or wrong- if something is causing you distress, it is worth acknowledging.


2. Seeking the help you need

Once you have you accepted and acknowledged that there is a problem, then it is important to begin seeking the help you need. Accepting that there is a something wrong is a good starting point, however, if you do not go any further, you can often risk staying stuck in the same situation.


a) Reaching out

One way to begin seeking the help you need can include opening up to someone. This could be to your loved ones, someone you know or even a helpline or chatline. Some examples of these can be found on the 'support services' tab on my website.

Sometimes speaking about the issue can make a great deal of difference- and you never know who might be able to give you advice you never would've thought of yourself.

If you don't have anyone to speak to, I am always willing to talk. You can contact me via DM on instagram (zen_words), email (, snapchat orWhatsApp (if you have me) or facebook ( zenwords1).


b) Therapeutic Help

A further, very important step to take when in distress or struggling is to seek therapeutic help. There are a range of different therapeutic styles that you can try, so don't be disheartened if something doesn't work for you. Therapists have the necessary skills to help you and it can be so beneficial to reach out to someone that can give you the true help that you require.

For further detail about how to find a therapist and more on this specific , check out my previous article by clicking here.


c) Medication

Medication, although often looked down upon, can also help you to get your symptoms in line. There are a range of different types of medication that you can take, and if you feel that this is an approach that would work for you speaking to your GP would be the first step.

It is also important to keep in mind that some medication may not work for you and that is okay. You can always speak to your GP about trying a different type of medication. It is important to not give up hope.

Medication is also beneficial in alongside therapy. For me, medication helps me to deal with the more severe symptoms that I have and doing therapy is helping me to develop the coping mechanisms to deal with my problems on a more ongoing level.


d) Educating yourself.

One thing that helps me a lot is learning about the things that I am struggling with. By learning more about OCD and anxiety I feel a bit more at ease, knowing that the struggles I am having are not abnormal. This also helps me to deal with things a bit more rationally.


3. Lifestyle Changes

Sometimes aspects of your lifestyle can really impact your mood and the way that you feel. So, in addition to the other practical features that you can do- aspects of your life can also be adapted.


a) Sleep

Having a good sleep schedule is so important for your mental health. Sleeping and waking up at an early enough and consistent time each morning and night is so beneficial for your general wellbeing. It can have a greater impact than can be anticipated.

To try and positively benefit your mental health, it is worth making sure that you have enough sleep (7-9 hours) per day. As well as this, you can also try and set a time to wake up and go to sleep consistently every day- in order to have a structured routine.


b) Exercise

Exercise has also been shown to have great benefits for mental health- due to the release of endorphins. Any form of exercise can be a natural stress relief, as well as a mood uplifter.


c) Screen time

The amount of time that is spent on screens can also have a negative impact on your mental health. Endless scrolling and staring can have an impact on wellbeing as well as a great range of other harmful effects.

It is worth considering putting in place some boundaries when it comes to your screen time in order to best support your mental health. For example, limiting it to 2-3 hours or having restrictions on certain apps, such as social media past a particular time.


4. Faith and Purpose

One undoubtedly beneficial way of supporting your mental wellbeing is by re-affirming your faith and greater purpose in life. For everyone this may be different, but for me, reminding myself why I am here and Who I am here to serve helps me to re-establish my purpose. Through this I can sometimes shift any negative and overwhelming feelings. By feeling the light of God within me, I can often remind myself that He has given me everything that I need to cope and He is with me helping me to find my way.

For you, this could be your faith and religion. Or it could be something different- your family, a friend, a loved one, a life goal. Use those things as an anchor in the dark times, and as a reminder that there is something else worth fighting for.


5. Trying to keep going

If you find yourself wanting to give up on your journey just take a second to stop. Look back at how far you have actually come and how much you have actually achieved. Remember that sometimes it will be smooth, but sometimes it can be really really rough. But that progress should keep you going. Because you've come so far, and you will go further. You will have blips and set backs but that does not undermine your progress- that should just be expected.

You have it within you to win this fight- so do not give up.


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