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The Truth Behind Each Smile

The truth behind each smile, is that behind it might not be peace.

A smile to cover up the deep pain that your heart breeds.

Because sometimes that is easier then sharing what's beneath

Sometimes that is easier than forcing a release.

The truth behind each smile, is that not every smile is true.

Not every smile is full of pure happiness and some don't have a clue.

Because sometimes that is easier than being honest too.

Sometimes a smile can hide the hurt away from you.

But the truth about life, is that it cannot go this way,

You cannot continue with your fake smile, day after day.

Because though you think its easier if this is how you stay,

Any chance of a true smile, will get lost astray.

So sometimes the best choices are the hard ones to make.

Sometimes we have to help ourselves, do what it takes.

And though fear is what may come too, at least it's not fake.

Because you'll find a true smile is what is at stake.

I know that often in life we find it easier to hold on to a fake representation of how we're feeling. We try and pretend to be happy, and we try and pretend to be okay. But that pretence will not be able to last for long. If that's what you're doing, try your hardest to take a step back for a moment. Notice what is happening. It is okay to feel your emotions. It is okay to struggle. But please do not hide. You are not an embarrassment, you are not a burden and you are not weak. Forcing happiness upon yourself is not strength. Find the true strength within you to seek the help you need.

Speak to someone that you love, speak to anyone. Have a look at the services available to you online. Take a breath- you will be okay. Unchain your true smile.


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